Walked by 523 this morning and the big dining room wall of rock was mortared! It's absolutely STUNNING. Looks like an old wall from a chateau in France. I'm thrilled with it and those of you who will live there/see it will love it too! Beams arriving today or tomorrow and the cabinets & GORGEOUS marble countertop will be installed within days.
It may be even BETTER than I'd envisioned, if that's possible!
Thank you everyone who has made that possible with your hard work and QUALITY craftsmanship!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
This & That

I found this little boy outside Aldrich's really chowing down on a piece of watermelon. I spoke with his mom and she told me that his name was Denver & that it was his birthday. He would barely stop his devouring to talk about his birthday and his watermelon. Kids LOVE Port Townsend as there's so much to keep them in a state of wonder from simple walks to classes ranging from the arts to marine life. Such an idyllic life for them and the best part is, many of them realize it.
And I forgot about this little clump of violas that I found on a walk recently. It is growing right out of the middle of an asphalt driveway. Determined to be showy while it lives and it is! I admire it every day I walk by and continue to be amazed at its beauty in the middle of such starkness.
The interior photos will probably stop at this point since there isn't a huge difference day to day, although cumulatively it obviously has changed. Barry & Shane are hard at work on the tile work, the gutter guys have been on the roof installing, more insulation was added today, the painter continues to prep and the guys are working on trim around the doors & windows. The fireplace is now installed and mortared. It looks fabulous. I ordered carpet on Saturday only to find out today that they don't have enough of it at the mill so they're going to have to make more for my job so it will all be from the same dye lot.
I went to Sequim today for the usual end of the job items that always pop up - door stops, toilet seats and even a garbage disposal. They're so quiet these days! It can barely be heard - thankfully! On the way back, the "elk crossing" signs were flashing along Highway 101 as a warning to all the motorists rushing along. It led me to remember one dark night in Vail where Sam, Jason & I had just arrived at the Stollport quite late. We jumped in "Wookie" our Jeep that lived in the parking lot while we were away and headed to the house. Out of nowhere an entire herd of elk/moose/SOMETHING HUGE "cantered" across the road in front of us. I slammed on the brakes and we started counting them in the headlights. As I remember, we lost count at around 28. It was so startling and today I watched closely the entire journey back just in case...
I'm continuing to pack up as the guys are coming tomorrow to move the heavy stuff out of here for me. So I'll be living out of a suitcase until I leave on Friday. But that's not a huge problem in the scheme of things, is it?
I'll be away for awhile so I won't be posting. When I resume, I'm changing the blog. So if you're a Google "Follower" or have contacted me as I discussed in a previous post, then you'll be on the list for the new version if you're interested.
Thank you for reading about the house's journey. Many of you have sent me such complimentary private emails and I've been gratified by your interest. The house will be incredible - I just hope the life inside will be as well!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Only In A Small Town...

would you go to the orthodontist on a Sunday. My 15 year old permanent retainer waited until I was in PT to fail. The local orthodontist makes his own appointments & he offered one on Sunday. Needless to say, I was floored but when I arrived, he'd already seen a previous patient & had another waiting when I left.
My morning walk today included the downtown loop. It's a longer route than my usual stroll and I always swing through the marina as a part of it. The Relay for Life was winding down at Memorial Stadium and downtown was full of people enjoying the incredible weather. Today, I saw a sign you'd probably only see in PT - I'm posting a photo. What you can't see is the word "wood" around the corner of the box.
When I finished my walk I went by 523 and was surprised to see the garage door taking shape. I had been told it would be installed on Tuesday - what a pleasant surprise! I met the installer - who is also PT's new interim school superintendent after 20+ years as superintendent in a town on the west coast of WA. I also "met" his son (well, only his hand behind the door...) who was helping him. I'm posting a photo of the door, which I believe really helps polish the overall look of 523. And when the hardware is added, it will look even better.
Tonight was such a gorgeous evening that after looking at chandeliers online for hours and talking to some friends back in Dallas, I set out for an evening walk. I must be getting thicker blood, as I saw some people out with their jackets on but I only needed my light vest! I'm posting a photo of the darling pooch waiting for his human at Aldrich's - a daily sight and never unappreciated for its preciousness!
I'm off here - awaiting "Mad Men's" premiere.
More tomorrow...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Marina

Seems I don't always escape the building process even on weekends. Since I got back so late yesterday from Seattle, I met Pete at 523 this morning so I could empty out my car which was crammed with items for the house. Got to see the fireplace up close and the many interior doors which were hung while I was on the road. Got the upstairs carpet ordered today along with an area rug for the dining room and I had to wait my turn! That's fine with me - it means that there are other buyers in town & that's great news for all. Of course, it was Farmers' Market as well and what a STUNNING day for it. I woke up to sunlight & it's just now starting to fade at 9:00pm.
Tonight, I walked downtown to meet a new friend, Stephanie, and her two sons who were skating at the town's skate park. Joseph & Daniel are great kids and even more than tolerated a friend of their mom's watching and asking a lot of, probably, ridiculous questions. The last time I was on a skateboard they had metal wheels & it (of course it couldn't have been the "driver") caused my second broken arm when I was flying down a hill and a stick got in the way. See - I've not always been so cautious in life! I've wisely steered clear of them since but it's amazing what kids can do with a skateboard these days. Stephanie & I walked over to the marina and gabbed for quite some time, during which I took tonight's photo of the boats in the marina at about 8:15pm. The sun was so gorgeous on the water & if you look very closely (sorry, it was taken with the iPhone!) you can see Rainier in the middle of the photo.
I'm already packing for my move out of this temporary housing and for my trip to Dallas next week, which can't come soon enough for me, blast furnace or not...
Friday, July 23, 2010
What a BEAUTIFUL day it was in Seattle today! Sunny, warm temperatures greeted everyone & I do mean EVERYONE.
I'm posting a photo of the GIGANTIC cruise ship that was taking on passengers as I was headed back to the ferry. Around the corner, but unfortunately out of camera range, were two "normal" cruise ships. Without exaggeration, this one appeared to be at least five times as large as the other two. Later saw it going by PT in the Strait of Juan de Fuca - heading to Alaska?
More tomorrow...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Beehive of Activity
That's what 523 was today. Loren & three of his men finished the preliminary rock work while Barry & his son, Shane, arrived to start the tile work in the bathrooms. I'm posting a photo of Barry (one of the funniest photos yet for the blog) and of Shane (his Owen Wilson-double son) hard at work. Then it was "old home week" with Greg, Patrick & Mark back again. They trimmed out the windows today and installed the newel post for the stairway. Had no idea that newel posts were secured from beneath the floor. Lots of trips under the house today - the result of a coin flip? What a dance they did with that level - it was extremely accurate at the end, however, as usual. Greg & I measured for all the closet components which I will order in the next couple of days. Chris dropped by with the granite hearth for the living room fireplace with his usual humor. Don, the painter, dropped by momentarily to coordinate with Pete since the sheetrockers are now out of the way. This is a SMALL house & with all these workers swarming (and me standing in the way at times), it gets a little tight although they're always so courteous.
I had to run downtown today - something I can go a couple of weeks without doing at times. I forget what a different world it is just below Uptown as that's where I usually always am. They're simply two different worlds and Uptown is self-contained enough to eliminate the need to go there (well, except for the Rose Theatre...) The ferry was disgorging passengers who then flocked to Water Street to be greeted by shops, food, street musicians and stunning weather. Today had a sax player on one of the street corners & Thursday nights feature music on the dock with rotating groups to entertain locals & visitors alike. I'm posting a photo of the ferry arriving - it reminded me that this ferry will soon be gone. It was loaned to the Port Townsend/Whidbey Island route from Pierce County when a routine inspection a couple of years ago determined that the old ferries had to be pulled IMMEDIATELY. The first replacement ferry - the Chetzemoka ("fine young man") - will be arriving soon with the second in 2011. The Chetzemoka is already undergoing trials in the Seattle area to check its seaworthiness as we "speak".
I'm also posting two photos of what I found when I drove up one of my many visits to 523 today. The deer in PT must be taking fertility drugs since several of them have twins this season. At first, I didn't see the other mother & thought the visible one had TRIPLETS. Not true. Just two moms out with their twins for a "leisurely lunch" from the garden of the neighbor across the street. And what an incredible garden it is!
No post tomorrow - Seattle time again. Somehow I'm not as excited as the last time I went there. But then, it's a different reason...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A Slower Day
thank goodness! Not as much accomplished, but still hurtling toward the end, which is now in sight. Today, the sheetrocker finished the last of his work, the painter arrived for priming & the rock guys were back to continue. I'm posting a photo of every one's favorite room which is now "all white". A white coat of paint really opens things up again. I had thought that the house might be "dark", but so far it's not which is a wonderful surprise.
I'm posting another photo of the strange fog that sometimes presents in PT on such a sunny day. You can barely see the mountains on Whidbey Island above the line of fog. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the wooden boat with its three sails into the picture. It was so picturesque.
If you've been reading the blog and are not a gmail "follower", please write me to let me know. I'm going to be changing the blog soon & will need to contact some of you to let you know my plans for it. Please use "lglast@yahoo.com" for an email contact.
More tomorrow...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
That's what today was. But so much accomplished! Door hardware is now ordered. The cooktop is now ordered so that Chris, the marble man, can have it early to use as a template. Ceiling fans ordered. Lighting trim selected & the last of the electrical-related choices will be made tomorrow.
But the biggest change is the starting of the rock work in the kitchen & dining room. Four men showed up and really endeavored to get rock on the walls today. I think the photo (taken mid-day so I wouldn't be locked out by the gate later) shows the beginning of a gorgeous room. When we went with similar rock in the kitchen in Irving, Sam liked it so much that he said we needed to do the entry also. And he was so very right. Several people commented that they felt like they were walking into a castle as a result. Will be interesting to hear what people think of this area. Pete seems to really like it while Greg, Patrick & Mark haven't been around much for the past couple of weeks since the sheetrockers & painters were there. But they'll return later this week - can't wait to see their reactions, although most of you know I WON'T be there that early to actually witness it!
I'm also posting a photo of the weather today. Very overcast/foggy this morning but, as usual, it burned off fairly quickly in Uptown. The photo is taken from the sunny bluff in Uptown showing the ferry arriving below, shrouded in fog (wish I had a recording of the constant foghorns in the distance).
More tomorrow...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Haven't Fallen Off The Face Of The Earth..
I'm just running like crazy! Photos of the painter - taken with the iPhone - didn't come out. Suffice it to say that the painter has started some priming & the sheetrocker is still working at 523 daily.
I went to Poulsbo/Silverdale today & am going into Seattle again tomorrow.
There won't be any new posts until Sunday or Monday - busy week & weekend coming up. Talk to you then!
I went to Poulsbo/Silverdale today & am going into Seattle again tomorrow.
There won't be any new posts until Sunday or Monday - busy week & weekend coming up. Talk to you then!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A Beautiful Day

The heat has disappeared already - two days were apparently enough for it - and we've been left with temperatures in the lower 70s, not a cloud in the sky, a light breeze & air that smells so sweet.
Saturdays always are uber-animal day in PT because of the Farmers' Market. This is a town that loves its animals dearly. They're out every day but in full force on Saturdays because of the Market. They greet each other with the same friendliness their owners display toward other owners. It's quite precious.
Speaking of animals, I'm adding a photo of Lenny, the rabbit. I first read about Lenny in The Leader, the weekly paper. Lenny was taken from his hutch on the main drag down from Aldrich's. In typical PT style, a polite note was left in his empty home, "Dear family, I have decided a vacation is quite in order. I will return once my adventures are complete. Love –” with an inked paw print to "sign" it. He is so precious I can see why someone would WANT to take Lenny, but that doesn't excuse the anguish they caused over his loss. Several days later, after he was featured in The Leader, Lenny returned safe & sound with blue ink residue still on his paws. Every time I see Lenny, he has a bounty of Aldrich's day old veg at his paws. Such an exciting life he leads! Since my iPhone photo was so poor, I'm posting a photo from The Leader instead today only.
I found Nonie & Chloe outside this morning coming back from a romp on the beach. I've already told her that Chloe is going to refuse to go back to Tucson when she leaves. Chloe's already a PT dog! Nonie went with me on the spur of the moment to the Rose which had a piped-in production of "London Assurance" from NT Live. I've written about these performances before - they're recorded in HD at the National Theatre of London and broadcast in 22 countries around the world. Emma Freud introduces each play and also interviews a pivotal individual from the production - this time Nicholas Hytner, the director, who provided insight into his thought process for L.A. As this was the last (an added treat) of this season, I'm already looking forward to the next one which will feature Hamlet, FELA!, Frankenstein directed by Danny Boyle & Complicite's A Disappearing Number. PT may be a small town at the end of a highway, but it never lacks for interesting activity.
Friday, July 9, 2010
No Photo
because nothing changed at 523 today. The sheetrocker called in and asked to work tomorrow (Saturday) instead of today so it was fairly quiet all day long. Pete straightened up the grounds a bit, met with Barry the tileman and of course, we had our daily discussion with Greg, who was there connecting the Solatubes prior to further insulation.
I went out early this morning to see the countertop slab which is now safely at Chris's shop. I got the ceiling beams' order almost completed, picked up wallpaper, saw the incredible upholstery fabric for the vintage chair I'm having reworked, and spent more hours at Jeanne's looking at fabrics for the dining room side chairs. Back to the local paint shop for more paint chips since my deadline for paint selections is Monday. EEK! But how wonderful it will be for that to be checked off the list too!
It's "chilly" here this evening after a quite warmish day. Think our heat spell is broken after a whopping two days. Back to PERFECT weather for the foreseeable future.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I went out early this morning to see the countertop slab which is now safely at Chris's shop. I got the ceiling beams' order almost completed, picked up wallpaper, saw the incredible upholstery fabric for the vintage chair I'm having reworked, and spent more hours at Jeanne's looking at fabrics for the dining room side chairs. Back to the local paint shop for more paint chips since my deadline for paint selections is Monday. EEK! But how wonderful it will be for that to be checked off the list too!
It's "chilly" here this evening after a quite warmish day. Think our heat spell is broken after a whopping two days. Back to PERFECT weather for the foreseeable future.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Sequim & Port Hadlock
Well, the "heat" has arrived. Is it possible that only last week we were wearing coats/jackets and this week we're "melting"? My car said it was 88, the iPhone said it was 79 and I say it was hotter. But after tomorrow, we're supposed to dip back into the low 70s which will be heavenly.
Today, after meeting Fred about the cabinets at 523 & conferring with Greg on all things carpentry, I ran by to pick up Nonie, my new downstairs neighbor, and we went to Sequim to meet Pete to order some interior trim. Afterwards, we went to the primo shopping in Sequim - WalMart & Costco. They actually ARE quite nice stores and it was a quick trip over & back. Along the way, we saw the FABULOUS "Model T" that was parked in the Costco parking lot. I've never seen a vintage car in such pristine condition! Nonie is a great neighbor & such an interesting person as well. I'll enjoy her being in PT until she leaves in October for Tucson again. And of course, I'm enjoying Chloe, her rescue dog!
The "tapers" are there working on the next phase of the sheetrock and they're quite good and quite fast. I'm attaching a photo of one of the installers on his "stilts".
Got some things ordered today and will be going to Chris's tomorrow to look at the countertop slab (now in PT) with paint swatches for the kitchen cabinets. Thank goodness we're in the middle of days of blinding sunlight for selecting colors!
Tonight I went with Nancy & Robin to a "cafe" in Port Hadlock at the marina. Quite a gathering and everyone was totally enjoying themselves. Apparently many of them were the owners of sailboats out in the bay. Such a life...
More tomorrow...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Odd & Ends
Nothing huge accomplished today. The sheetrockers FINALLY finished hanging the "rock" and another crew swooped in to clean up the leftover dusty chunks (sound familiar Jackie?) Thankfully, the HVAC vents in the floor were double covered although I wouldn't be surprised to find some of the fine dust in the venting when it's finally turned on. Tomorrow, the "tapers" arrive.
My new neighbor, Nonie, and I took her dog, Chloe, on a walk throughout a large swath of Uptown today. She's already besotted with PT - usually doesn't take long! As we walked over by 523, three police officers were there cleaning up after a wreck at the corner. One of the strange aspects about PT roads, particularly Uptown, is that there are some intersections that don't have any stop signs. Apparently that was what was responsible for today's wreck. I stopped to talk to one of the officers in his cruiser and Nonie & I later spoke with another. I had some "road questions" to clarify as these were not the type of questions on the driving test. I couldn't get over the politeness and friendliness of these men. Upon hearing that Nonie had just arrived, one of them made sure we were aware of PT's various restaurants. As we walked off, we remarked that neither of us had ever had a conversation like that with a police man/woman. Another side of living in a small town...
I'm finishing the "beam list" for the house tonight so that I can place the order tomorrow. Also, the door hardware list is now ready to go as well. By the end of the week, I should have everything ordered except possibly the upstairs carpeting but that's "easy". It will be nice to have that portion of my responsibilities completed so I can know we're on the downward slope.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I, who slept through a nearby tornado once, was woken this morning at 5:30am by my dear downstairs neighbor & her friend who was departing today for Tucson. At first I was quietly grumbling then realized the sun was already bright, so why not get up? Shocked aren't you, those of you know know how much I love to "sleep in". But the sun has definitely arrived in PT for an extended stay, per NOAA. And the area is thrilled at the 70+ degrees today with not a cloud in the sky.
After a brief stop at 523, I was on the road to Seattle. Unfortunately, the Hood Canal Bridge had other ideas. I've been so fortunate to have only been stopped once before when it had to open for water traffic & it wasn't a time where it made us late. Today, it made me miss my timed ferry for Seattle. I'm only hoping that it was a Navy carrier or submarine that stopped us - not a single sailboat like the first time. For those of you new to the blog, the Hood Canal Bridge is a "floating bridge". Due to the depth of the water it can't be rigidly secured (and such depth also makes it so perfect for submarine traffic). You can't feel any bobbing - it's not THAT much of a floater - but just to know it... Once when Sam was up, we were on the ferry going to Whidbey Island & we had to "tread water" while a carrier went by. I went back to the hotel to check its number - the only marking - and it was the carrier that Bush landed on with the "Mission Accomplished" banner as a backdrop. The area has a strong Navy presence down the canal and on Whidbey Island and PTers are often fortunate to see these vessels go by on their way to base or back out to sea.
Chris from Old World Granite met me in Seattle to select the countertop material. Poor Chris - he got the assignment since Gilles is in France. This was my third trip over to "shop", but my first with the all-important stone that will cover the walls next to it. I asked Chris to meet me since I am not trained in "bad slabs" as he is. We went to five slab sources today - all on foot (easy when it's in the low 70s) - and I found "the winner" at the first store. I'm posting a photo of marble being moved into the sunlight for a better look - what a procedure! Even though this is my 5th experience with stone, it's always exciting.
On my way toward the airport area I came around a corner on I-5 and saw this jaw-dropping sight. Mount Rainier is the "Drama King"! I took these photos supported on the steering wheel after frantically digging through my purse for the camera while driving 60+ MPH along with lanes of other equally speedy drivers. Not for the faint-hearted.
And the last photo is of Port Townsend at 8:15pm. I thought I saw some masts while outside & when I walked closer to the bluff, this is what I saw - notice Rainier had to get into this photo as well! What a beautiful, peaceful setting in the "late" evening. Beautiful sunlight, still waters. Loved it. Hope you do as well...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Early Posting
I know I sound like a broken record, but it's been wild around here the last couple of days in particular. The good news? I finally see an end to this craziness after tomorrow! So I will be able to enjoy the Fourth of July weekend without distractions.
The insulators were back today. They're getting everything ready for the insulation to be pumped in tomorrow. I'm posting a photo of the house with it's white layer ready to hold it all - it's DENSELY packed in! I saw this application on "This Old House" over a year ago - can't believe that I even remember it. Sheetrockers should be right behind them. Pete & I met with Loren today - he's going to do the rock walls in the dining room & kitchen - much like the walls we had in Irving. Decorative iron brackets for the open shelving in the kitchen are on the FedEx truck right now out for delivery. I THINK the appliance problem has been solved, thereby fixing the cabinetry problem. Shower floor tiles - check - ordered today & will be here tomorrow along with the handmade tiles that will accent each of them.
Earlier today I was talking to Gilles about the countertops when Jasmine walked up. She decided to decorate my car while she was politely, but impatiently, waiting for me to hang up so I could talk to her. Here's a photo...
When I arrived at 523 this morning, the line had already started for the Twilight movie tonight. A tent was even set up, but later in the morning it had disappeared and chairs were in its place. I'm guessing the police thought the sidewalks had to remain clear all day. I'm attaching a photo of two women who didn't look real happy about sitting there all day - I know I wouldn't do it! But we will be there tonight for the midnight showing. Guess I haven't lost that "sure, let's do that!" after all.
Probably won't do a post tomorrow as it's the official switch upstairs. I'm already "there", but Qwest won't make the phone/internet switch until the 1st.
More later...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday, Monday...
NOT the best day. Lots to decide today & a prior cooktop selection is wreaking havoc on the kitchen. Insulators started today & while they arrived quite late, I was amazed at what they accomplished by the time they left fairly early. Photo is attached of the future TV-reading room. Mark was finishing up the shingling around the garage door and I was fortunate that Pete, Greg & Jack (Mark's son) helped me move the heavy items from my place. I'm moving upstairs for the duration as they leased this place to another woman for the coming months when PT is at its best weather-wise.
The Fourth of July - my second favorite holiday - is coming & Nancy's house has the bunting out. So festive already. Fireworks stands are doing bustling business closer to Bainbridge Island - one even has grocery carts for their customers. How many fireworks do these people buy? PT has its fireworks display out in the bay on a barge. I hope this is an enjoyable Fourth, PT-style.
I found a "surprise" against the front door when I finally got back today. My Callaway driver came early (most deliveries to PT seem to take an extra day). I'm looking forward to re-starting golf lessons in this climate - a good temperature to learn in.
More tomorrow...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Posting Early
I have to move upstairs for the balance of construction so today has been consumed with going up and down the stairs with my things. Great way to thin belongings out, however! The worst part will be taking the gardening books & magazines upstairs tomorrow. The guys are going to help me move the heavy boxes to my mini-warehouse at Aldrich's so I won't have to deal with that, thankfully.
Today's photo is of the Barlett House. It's probably the most photographed private residence in PT. You can see it on the bluff in the "cover" photo of the blog. I haven't been in it - will probably have to wait for a benefit tour of some sort for that - but it's so lovely. I will post more "ladies" on weekends so you can see them as well.
I'm also adding a link to one of the "daily" photo sites that feature PT. These photographers do a MUCH better job of showing you life here than I ever could. Bookmark/Favorite it if you want to return to it in the future!
Back to packing...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Typical Saturday, For Now...
Saturdays seem to be almost always the same. Farmer's Market and a trip somewhere for the house. Today, I met up with Nancy & we went through the farmer's market before stopping at "The Spot" for soup & a crab cake. We found a bench and sat down to catch up. I am always in awe of her mothering - with five kids still at home she's about the calmest person I know. Maddie invited me to go to the midnight showing of the third "Twilight" film and I told her I'd go. Nancy is coming with us and perhaps another of Maddie's siblings. Since the author, Stephanie Meyer, has her vacation home nearby and the films' setting is supposed to be western Washington, it has quite an allure around here. Sam & I were walking through Port Angeles a while back waiting for the ferry to Victoria and I kept seeing "Twilight" posters everywhere. At that point, I didn't know about the juggernaut that had already swept the publishing world. While I had seen posters while in Barnes & Noble, I just didn't "get it". I thnk you'd have to live under a rock to not know about it now. Just hope film #3 is better than #2 was!
One thing I often forget is how many motorcycles cruise around town on the weekends. If I don't go downtown, I'm oblivious since most of them don't come Uptown. But were they ever in evidence today! IF I drive through downtown on the weekends, I see the vibrancy that exists there - the street corner musicians, the rowers, the pooches, the shoppers, the walking tours led by members of the historical society. And it's just a few blocks away...
Then on to Silverdale for 523-related stops. Silverdale is where the "Big Box" stores are if you head toward Seattle. I believe I will have a PhD in LED TVs before I purchase one. It's mind boggling and as a woman who was checking out with a new system said when I asked if she & her husband would be doing the installing, "Heavens no! If you're not in your 20s you don't have a clue." Truer words were never spoken! I'm totally itimidated.
When I walked past 523 tonight, I had a first. A beautiful (there's that word again...) cat was sitting on the front porch's step. It seemed quite content and at home. Since it had a collar on, I doubt if it will adopt 523 permanently but it was quite dear to see something enjoying it already.
I'm posting some photos from my favorite perch at the end of the street - the boats were certainly enjoying the gorgeous weather today!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sequim & Port Angeles
Where does the time go? Seems like I didn't stop today. Got up early & stopped by 523 to check in with the guys before heading to Sequim. I got to see what happens when forests get a springtime of rain - they're lush & gorgeous! After a couple of hours in Sequim & Port Angeles (where you catch the ferry to Victoria, B.C. & the Empress Hotel, if you're lucky), I headed back. I noticed quite a few logging trucks - something we don't see in Texas. The logs' cut ends look like a freshly snapped sweet potato in color - simply beautiful.
Every time I re-read my entries, I see how often I use the word "beautiful". Whenever I write or read that word, I hear my dear father-in-law Ben's voice. He had a particular way of saying "beautiful!" that makes me think of him so often as a result. I can still hear and see him saying it - usually with a beaming face. Not a bad word to be forever linked with, is it?
I've got to admit, I love the road from Fat Smitty's back to PT. Pete has described it as the most beautiful stretch that isn't in a state or national park. He should know as he drives it daily. It's curvy & overlooks the water when you can see it through the thick vegetation. Afraid I'm enamoured with driving the curves at the max the speed limit will allow. Today was great - no semis in front of me.
Spent alot of time at Jeanne's today looking at fabric & wallpaper. We were both cross-eyed at the end. But we found great wallpaper (small amount needed behind shelving) but that's a few more checks off the list. Mr. B the cat, ever elusive, even made an appearance. Could it have been the treats that his owner, Ginny, gave me to lure him out of hiding?
Today's photo is of the curing garage floor. It's probably the cleanest it will ever be! And it seems that everyone in PT who works with concrete can't stand the thought of wasting any of it. Today's finisher left me a stepping stone with a fern frond imprint since ferns are everywhere around here. And for Dottie - a photo of her Mark finishing up the last of the shingling with the exception of the small area for sheetrock entry & around the soon to be installed garage door.
More tomorrow...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Scoffolding's Gone...Again
How many times has the scaffolding appeared & disappeared? MANY. And it's not over yet since the sheetrock opening will have to be closed up at some point. But today, Mark & Jim finished the high wall on the back of the house, leaving only the more easily reachable guest bedroom wall. That should be completed tomorrow. Patrick & Greg worked on getting the garage ready for its final layer of concrete early tomorrow and setting the Solatubes in the bathrooms, as well as blocking for the intricate bracket that will support the TV later.
Tamara, my wonderful architect, came over today to show 523 to some important people - her family. Her parents, Jay & Donna, were in from Minnesota and of course they brought Tamara's beautiful daughter, Ciara, with them. PT has a lot of connections with Minnesota and before long, everyone was talking about places they knew there, including Jim (the electrician) who was over for one last "DirecTV plug". While I knew from earlier conversations that Tamara had played basketball, I didn't know that Jim was a local basketball coach. He's leaving the girls' team for the boys' this year. Since basketball is about the only sport I can understand, I will probably have to go watch at some point.
Just got back from a leisurely stroll through town after stopping at Jeanne's to look at wallpaper. What did I notice today? That the FATHERS were out with the strollers about this time. I usually walk a little later and had never seen them out before. Ran into Drew, a neighbor from up the street & his darling daughter in her stroller as well.
I'm attaching a photo of Mt. Rainier - I hope it's viewable. This evening was probably the clearest I've seen it since I've been up here. It's jaw-dropping to me since it's 100 miles away - so majestic!
Hope you had a good walk through your neighborhood this evening as well.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Back Again...
Well, I'm back. 523 has changed little to the eye but yet it has had constant work since my last post. I'm going to post quite a few photos this evening to try to show you what has happened at 523 as well as around town.
The dormer window FINALLY got shingled! It really changed its personality. You can see to the side that a small portion of the wall next to the fireplace remains unfinished. I asked the guys about this today and they said they knew I wasn't going to like it, but that was the area that would have to be cut open to allow the sheetrock to go in the second floor. They were right - I didn't like the sound of that but they assure me that it will be structurally sound.
The next photo shows the terrace side at the back of the house. It's now moving along since the replacements for the french doors finally arrived - in the right color!
The guys went home HOT today. I know, I know - today's 72 does not make Texans think of "hot", but it was! A nice hot. One I could even appreciate. I just heard the Seattle weatherman say it might be time to put your jacket away. From what I've heard, that may be a bit premature as people have been known to attend the 4th of July in a jacket. The story is that summer starts here on July 5th. Yesterday, we had the strangest weather. I kept hearing the ferry's fog horn blaring in the background well into the afternoon. I finally discovered the reason - FOG. On a stunningly beautiful sunny day! There was a thick, white bank of it covering approximately half the Strait of Juan de Fuca - the route the ferry takes to Whidbey Island many times each day. Apparently it isn't totally unusual - Pete described it perfectly to me when I asked him about it today. Wish I'd captured it on "film"!
After a quick stop at Aldrich's, I went to Chetzemoka Park for more photos. Chetzemoka was a Klallam chief & granted permission for the Port Townsend settlement. The new 64-car ferry to be delivered to PT in August will bear his name. While I've been there a couple of times before, today I really roamed its 10+ acres. It's not a large park, but it sits right above the Strait. Also, I'm adding a photo of the raspberries I found on the bluff. Hmmm... in looking closer at the photo, they appear to be blackberries, but in person I'd say raspberries! As I was leaving, I saw Bear's twin out taking a stroll through the park with his owner. I thought of how Bear would LOVE to walk through Chetzemoka - it's hard to keep your shoulder in its socket when he's on a walk. After Chetzemoka, an orthopod might be in order!
I know I've said it before, but the air smells heavenly up here - just like Vail's. As I sit at the little table where my computer resides, I have a soft breeze coming through the open window & the sweetest serenade by the birds outside.
I'm off for a walk through the neighborhood...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Taking a break...
Didn't get much sleep last night & those of you who know me will be shocked that I've been awake since 4:30. Incredible serenade by the birds & the 5:00am church bells - neither of which I've ever heard.
I've decided to take a break from the blog for awhile. Will eventually "be back".
I'm off for an early morning walk through this incredible town...
I've decided to take a break from the blog for awhile. Will eventually "be back".
I'm off for an early morning walk through this incredible town...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
No Photo Today...
as there was nothing "spectacular" to show you. More work on the porch's ceiling, met with Barry the tile man, the guys worked on interior blocking, trying to pin down the wall treatment in the dining room & kitchen, meeting with the propane man, picking up carpet samples, recycling, etc.
Tomorrow is to be early with the propane tank's placement. That'll be an exciting photo ;)
Tomorrow is to be early with the propane tank's placement. That'll be an exciting photo ;)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
When I got home tonight, two deer were dining on the gorgeous flowers across the street. One cooperated as I tried to take their photo. Have you ever seen such an "innocent" face? These two were very "tame" - they voluntarily walked within five feet of me when they crossed the street for their next course.
What happened today? Lots, as usual. Loren & his crew finished the chimney which makes way for others to now do their work. Greg & Patrick worked inside on blocking while Mark was working on the front porch - particularly the ceiling treatment.
I bought some strawberries from Sequim at Aldrich's. They're obviously well-known around here, and after tasting them I think I'd have to equate them to Pecos cantaloupes. There IS a difference! They were so fresh that they are sold with the dirt/sand still on them. I thought Driscolls were good, but they pale beside these. Love the fresh produce around here!
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