I've noticed that if PT has dreary weather, you can't be sure it's an all-day thing. Since I've been here, there have been few days that were overcast all day. Usually it fluctuates back & forth - sun/clouds/sun/clouds. Today was much like that. When I looked outside when I was ready to leave, it was raining. A nice rain which is always needed. By the time I got myself out the door, the sun was out & there were no more raindrops.
Today's photos are of some of the blooms around town. Depending on how they load, they are:
My car surrounded by petal snow. After a windy night, the car is usually covered & surrounded by "pink snow". It is so pretty and thankfully, the trees still have enough petal balls to be gorgeous.
A closeup of one of Nancy's lilac blossoms. I had lilacs growing up in Oklahoma City and was so surprised (and frustrated!) that only 200 miles south, when I planted some they were determined not going to flourish. Actually, "flourish" is ridiculous - they just died, in spite of my coddling. So I'm thrilled to see them everywhere up here.
"Fireplace pokers"! I had only seen these in nursery catalogs prior to moving here. These are across the street from the Post Office on the bluff area overlooking the bay. They're pretty dramatic, aren't they?
And back to Nancy's garden. Nancy has a white picket fence around her property and on every post, she has a different style birdhouse. This one has a delightful, delicate vine that IS flourishing right now. Sort of looks like a mini-clematis, but I wouldn't swear to anything. As I've said before, I have alot to do to uphold the block's horticultural standards with Nancy & Gussie's yards on either side of me. Somehow, I think I'll enjoy the challenge!
Hope your Saturday has been a good one!