It's really taking off now. WOOD! Treated wood was bolted down to the concrete foundation today with a strip of foam somewhat like an Oreo cookie, in between. When I went to take this afternoon's photo, wood had sprung up all over. It was pretty miserable this morning - cold, damp - but the guys were working steadily as if they hadn't even noticed.
Today, I tweaked the firebox's firebrick colors (deleted two of six colors), selected the exterior chimney's rock and chose the roofing color. So for that day when nothing was accomplished, I think today more than made up for it.
I drove over to Silverdale to Lowe's for research & to Costco, well, for Costco! It's amazing how a little jaunt like that can chew up the entire day. You can tell the season is changing quickly. When I first moved up here, it would be fairly dark by 5. Today, it was still light outside - thankfully for the photo! And next week should be even better with Daylight Savings Time rolling around again. I hope to finalize some more details this weekend to get them off my "it's bugging me" list. I try to stay ahead of the guys so my input doesn't slow them down.
It's Friday - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
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