Port Townsend

Port Townsend
With credit to the fabulous unknown photographer - it certainly wasn't me!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Planning & Progress

At this point in construction, each day is a combination of further on-site planning & more progress. Today, Hans came over to go over plans for TV, computer, sound & solar. He's a wonderful asset and as with most "younger" people (and he is!), he "gets" all this electronic mumbo-jumbo. I think we have everything under control at this point with the exception of the sound for the TV. I just washed out on him at that point. Brain overload and I know he recognized it. I'm posting a photo of the meters - one of which is already there for when & if I install a solar array on the roof. Port Townsend has the highest per capita usage of residential solar energy & Priuses (or is that hybrids in general?) in Washington - a very green state. So I'm now prepared - we'll see...

Also, I'm posting photos of another completed shingled wall as well as the "long wall" currently being shingled by Jim & Mike. The windows all have trim now & that means other walls will soon be following.

I'm pooped. I can't imagine how the guys are feeling. Good night!


  1. Your brain did good Lili!!! Hang in there and hope you have a restful night...the shingles look wonderful, if I may say so...the house is taking on a slight "Carmel-esque" look, just charming! xo Jessica

  2. Oh Jessica!

    In the U.S., there is no higher compliment than "Carmel-esque"! I love the storybook houses there & wish I'd felt more confident about using stucco here!

    You just made my day!

