Port Townsend

Port Townsend
With credit to the fabulous unknown photographer - it certainly wasn't me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Big Toys & Big Rocks

I missed most of the action today. I spent most of the morning on the computer & telephone. My "assignment"? To decide on the HVAC equipment & the company that will install it so we can get the temporary power pole installed. While those of us from the South know about SEER (A/C) ratings, I'd never heard of a HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) rating. The HSPF number is as important in the Pacific Northwest as the SEER is in the South. Felt like I was cramming for a final in some long lost language - LOTS of new (and never to be used again?) information to factor in when comparing three manufacturers. Now one big decision is down, MANY more to follow. Next up? Roofing. UGH!

Be sure to look at yesterday's post. I've now added a photo of Pete, Greg & Patrick!

Today's photo is from a quick stop at the lot & SO sorry it's so small! This is the "large" setting! Yesterday I learned that a retaining wall was going to be necessary. You can see the big toys the guys get to "play" with while prepping - a Mack truck and a "digger". Really need Alexander's knowledge of what the proper name is for that piece of equipment! The rocks will be integrated into the retaining wall tomorrow. I'm trying to block out the remembrance of how lovely Gussie's gentle slope was. I hope you can see the dark "black" dirt that was just below the sod. I've been told that the Native Americans that lived on the Peninsula used to burn the area annually - on purpose! While I don't think that's the reason for the dark, rich-looking loam, the story's repeating is an indication of the imprint the previous residents continue to have on the area.


  1. Is that a blooming cherry blossom that the guys are standing next to!

  2. So exciting to be starting such a wonderful adventure!

  3. It WAS a cherry tree - SOB! It was the tree that I had the house designed around but it was still too close to survive. I'm absolutely SICK about it, but will replant when the house is complete. However, I will never see such a magnificent tree in its place in my lifetime. And we won't even talk about the tulip tree...

  4. Deep breath Lili...it's all good...all part of the bigger plan. I promise!
