I was awoken this morning by the sound of fog horns calling from the Port Townsend-Keystone ferry. NOT a sound I'm used to but it's already a favorite! And when I ventured out, it WAS quite foggy. I started to say "extremely" foggy, but I'll have to experience PT weather a bit longer before I can use that adjective with confidence & accuracy.
Arrived at the lot around 8 this morning to find Patrick already there. By way of introduction, Pete is my builder while Greg & Patrick are his right-hand guys. In this recently added photo, they are (from left): Pete, Greg & Patrick. I hear there's a Mark as well, but I haven't met him yet. Patrick geared up for a dance with his chain saw & my lovely, doomed trees which had the bad fortune of residing within (or dangerously near to) the house's footprint. Pete & Greg arrived soon thereafter & between Patrick & Greg, the trees were a heap of branches in no time at all. Rest assured that the garden WILL be lovely when I'm finished, however. I know I have big shoes to fill as Gussie, the previous owner, was obviously so talented horticulturally (and in other ways too, I hear). I hope she would have been pleased when I'm finished with the reworking of her garden.
I will be posting photos, hopefully daily, in the future. However, after taking photos at the lot this morning, when I went to download them I realized I didn't have the adaptor for my card reader. So it may be a couple of days before photos are added - bummer!
Being President's Day, the school kids had the day off & I met three of my new next-door neighbors. Being an ex-teacher, I can tell I'm going to enjoy watching them grow up.
So now the wind is blowing fairly fiercely outside and I'm enjoying its sound. There's so much to love about PT!
Lili...what an adventure, so glad to be along for the ride with you!