It's just the kind of day that requires THREE photos! First of all, meet Mark, the last member of the regular crew! So glad that he's on board now. Well....no matter how I enter the photos, Mark keeps winding up last although he should be first. You get the idea!
The second photo is from my local branch bank. I don't know about your bank, but I never saw regular pet dogs in the lobby at my Dallas bank. Last trip up here, I was in the safe deposit area when I heard lots of "woofing". A "regular" had arrived (with its human who was making a deposit) and everyone was thrilled by his/her presence. Today I went into the bank and found these two darling girls - Portuguese Water Dogs - with their master. SUCH obedient pooches & I think you can see the look of adoration of their faces.
The third photo is of the progress at the end of the day. I was over at 523 early this morning to meet with Pete & Loren, who will be building the fireplace. What I like about PT builders is that they're so calm. Pete & Loren took the problem (trying to maximize space in the TINY living room, while leaving me space to drive around the exterior chimney to get into the garage), called the City for clarification (the inspector called back within 5 minutes - amazing!) and promptly figured it out. I'm still with the iPhone photos (sorry!) so you may not be able to see the main difference since yesterday - rebar! And lots of it for the foundation & the firebox area.
We had about 10 drops of rain today but mostly sunny with a few clouds. When I went into Safeway the sun was brightly shining, but one latte later, the clouds were everywhere. But I'll take a day like today anyday!
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